Saturday 27 June 2015

Bangkok + Hua Hin First Jimui Trip - Platinum Mall Shopping Timee!!!

Hey guys, its shopping time!!! Oh how i miss those moments so much~ Haiz, although its only been 2 months since i went to bkk, but i can't wait to plan another trip to there again!
My bff and i spent a lot of time in Platinum Mall because the mall is quite huge and can you believe it, 我们竟然在Mall里面迷路了, so damn embarrassing!  I guess our 方向感 really sucks. HaHa

There were 5 of us and we were too concentrated in checking out the clothes and somehow we got separated. The mall look like a maze for me because there are many small and narrow hallways full of clothes, all kind of clothes *pening*. You know how my friends got hold of us?? The information desk staff actually made an announcement:"Ms xxx from Malaysia, please come to the information counter at the xx side, your friends are looking for you." 

So paiseh nia, all the people in the mall knew that malaysia people get lost in the mall...hahahha..Gai! But fear not, because there are other people from other country faced the same problem just like us.. i guess we are just 路痴..... So if you guys going in a large group, remember to inform your friends if you wish to stop and checking out the clothes or you may separate into few groups and gather together at a meetup spot.

I like shopping in platinum mall because it has air connnn which is very important to me because i fear hot sooo much. Did i mentioned that the weather in bkk is damnn crazy? The temperature can rise up till 40 degrees. So platinum mall serve as a good hiding spot from the sun and hotness for me.

Photo taken from website

Photo taken from website

Well, for the price, i personally don't think its very cheap for some of the clothes. But you may get a cheaper price if you buy more than one because they sell the clothes in wholesale price. You can kongsi buy with other tourist to get a better bargain price.

After shopping around for some time, our stomach growled and its time for foood. If you want to continue shopping after lunch, you can go to the food court upstairs to satisfy your hunger. Seriously the food sold in food court is actually pretty good and is not that expensive too *thumbs up*. The food court using the card system where you need to credit some baht in the card first and pay the food using the card. The remaining baht you may redeem it after that.

Tapioca and Corn Pudding

Thai Mango salad (a bit spicy but very 开胃)

Pad Thai (taste like char koay teow)

The famous mango stick rice

Tapioca'd water chestnuts in coconut milk dessert

Foot Massage Machine

Ohya i almost forget to mention that after an exhausted walk with a tiring leg, you can go for a foot massage provided in the ground floor of the mall ler. How thoughtful they are to provide a self service foot massage machine in the mall and the service only cost 10 baht for 10 min, very worthy and very relaxing. A cheap way to rest those tired feet!!

Direction to Platinum Mall:
i) You can sit BTS to Ratchathewi Station and walk around 10-15 mins to the mall. Along the road you may find lots of food stall that can satisfy your food craving needs.

ii) Another option would be stop at BTS Chit Lom Station. You can find Big C supermarket and Central World Mall around the area.

For me, I take BTS to Ratchathewi BTS Station when going to Platinum Mall and went back to my hostel using the BTS Chit Lom route. This allow me to travel around the Platinum Mall so that i can experience different surrounding environment along the walk. XD

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