Thursday, 23 July 2015

Bangkok + Hua Hin First Jimui Trip - Chatuchak Market

Hey guys, i am going to blog about the other two night markets that i visited in Bangkok, Chatuchak weekend market and Rot Fai night market. I am going to share about chatuchak market in this post. If you guys want to know more about Rot Fai night market, click this link la for more details.

Chatuchak is a weekend market which means that it only open during Saturday and Sunday from  9am to 6pm while Rot Fai aka train market opening hours is during Thursday to Sunday, 5pm to 1am. 

Chatuchak market is a very popular market where it is a must -visit place if you travel in Bangkok. If you guys plan to visit this market, remember to include Saturday or Sunday in your traveling period or else you will miss it.

Sorry la guys, i didn't take much photo during this trip because hor the weather sipek crazy ler... Very very hottttt, i almost melt like olaf in Frozen, haha. I lost all my shopping mood the moment i reach the market due to the crazy weather and huge size of market.

Photo taken from website

After reaching the MRT station of the market, you will need to get the free map available from the information kiosk nearby. The map will show all the sections and you can choose the relevant section wisely for your exploration. 

Sample of the Map

One thing to beware of is pick-pocketing. It can happen during the peak hours especially is this huge crowd, so take care and watch out for your belongings. It is recommended that you wear your backpack on the front rather than on your back so you can keep an eye on your belonging.

We departed very early from our backpacker hostel in the morning as it can get very hot and crowded in the afternoon. But still very hot even we reach there early and some of the shop haven't open yet. Upon reaching the market we straight go for our favorite dessert in Thailand which is Sangkaya coconut ice cream!!! Coconut ice-cream is a must in this crazy hot sunny day! XD

Coconut ice cream stall with lots of toppings to choose

I choose red bean and green sticky rice as my toppings

A picture before we nom-nom..slurrppp
We are very lucky to find a stall that sold a delicious coconut ice cream. There are lots of coconut ice cream stall in the market but not all stall selling as good as this! The ice-cream only cost 35 baht and the aunty also gave us a cup of refreshing fresh coconut drink to soothe this crazy heatness.

Chatuchak market has plenty of things to see, do and buy. So do come and experience the bustling environment but remember to wear light yo~~

Transportation Guide:

1. Sit BTS Sukhumvit line Mo Chit station and exit from Exit 1
2. Change line from BTS to MRT and stop at Kampaeng Phet and exit from Exit 2 (prefer this method)

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

槟城美食天堂: Khoon Pastry 悦群蛋糕店 @ Argyll Road, Penang

续上次到The Twelve Cups解决小编的早餐后,小编就和麻吉到下一站寻食去了。小编选择到悦群蛋糕店(Khoon Pastry),一间由海南一家人经营的店。其实小编前两个星期已经去过了,可惜时间不对(3pm++),那时候Khoon Pastry厨房才刚休息因为那时是他们一家人的午餐时间,所以他们只售卖他们家的糕点而已,最终小编只好失望而归。之后,小编食指蠢蠢欲动,太想试试他们家著名的Shepherd's Pie和海南鸡扒,所以小编决定趁这个空挡再去闯一闯!

Khoon Pastry店面的外观
来来,小编先介绍一下这家历史悠久的蛋糕店。悦群蛋糕店成立于1957年,是当时全槟城第一家蛋糕店,目前已经传承到第三代了。第三代家族决定改造和创新他们家的蛋糕店,来个与时俱进的改变,并且还增添新的海南餐点。虽然小编不是海南人,可是海南鸡扒(Hainan Chicken Chop)小编还是第一次听闻和尝试叻。这家店坐落在Argyll road, 小编必须从Sri Bahari road右转到Penang Road,然后才右转进入Argyll road因为现在Argyll road已经改成one way road了。

 穿着黄色衣服的ah pek是这家店的店主啦,然后站在柜台后面遮到半张脸的就是店主的女儿,全家人同心协力搞生意啊,呵呵。照片里最右角(青白色和粉红白色的东东)是这家著名自制的椰浆糖。


Mushroom Soup 蘑菇汤,味道还不错只是有点咸(RM7.90)
Creamy Mushroom Pie 蘑菇派 (RM13.90)

当当当,著名的 Chicken Shepherd's Pie 上桌了 (RM15.90)

Chicken Shepherd's Pie (RM15.90)
光看照片是不是很诱人叻~~小编最钟意这一个啦!小编和麻吉都一致赞成这是最好吃的菜肴。烤香酥脆的马铃薯泥为派皮,入口时却软绵绵,入口即化呢。马铃薯泥派覆盖着浓郁汤汁,味道绝顶~ 不过叻小编要给个小建议,最好不要一起点Creamy mushroom pie/ Shepherd's pie 因为他家的汤底其实是一样的,只是肉类选择(牛肉,羊肉,鸡肉)不一样罢了。

春卷Spring Rolls (RM12)

 Hainanese Chicken Chop 海南鸡扒 (RM13.90)

他们家自制的古早味椰糖,富有浓郁的椰香味 Coconut Candy (RM2)

小编个人觉得这家的食物还不错。基于小编第一次尝试海南鸡扒,鸡扒好不好吃可能就要依个人口味了。不过小编确实觉得Shepherd's Pie真的值得一试。虽然这家店并没有推出太多的海南菜,不过老板精心烹制的简单菜色却让顾客吃的食指大开,意犹未竟啊。

Khoon Pastry House

29, Argyll Road, 10050 George Town, Malaysia

Mon - Sat:
+604 263 2858

Friday, 17 July 2015

槟城美食天堂: The Twelve Cups

嘿哟,今天是马来友族庆祝开斋节的节庆,也就是小编难得的假期啦。等待已久的假期终于来了,所以小编就要好好的享受啦!小编本来是想要到著名的大树下Ah Lai 咖啡茶室来个丰富的早餐。怎知,哇塞,好多人哦。不但位置都满座了,而且还有一大堆的游客排队等着吃叻。都怪小编太贪睡了,11am 才到那里,难怪古人说早起的鸟儿有虫吃呀。算了,小编懒得等啦,还是找其他的美食来先填包小编的肚子呀。

小编正走回小编车子的时候,就误打误撞看到了这家店The Twelve Cups。小编这时想起好友曾经介绍过这家的千层糕(Mille Crepe),听说是小编中学时同学的大哥所创办的。由于那时小编肚子在抗议了,所以小编就决定捧场这家The Twelve Cups.

一进到The Twelve Cups 让小编讶然,一大清早就有那么多顾客,几乎都满座了。小编也看到很多外国洋人旅客腻在The Twelve Cups 一面喝咖啡,一面看书,好不悠闲啊!小编也希望有朝一日可以像他们一样过着悠闲淡逸的生活啊啊啊。话说回来,小编选了最后面的座位因为小编喜欢躲起来观察人,用眼睛来发掘事物。吼~小编不是变态或太有空啦,只是小编好奇心有点浓厚,常喜欢观察身边所发生的人,事和物而已。

顾客必须先到柜台来点餐,各种饮料的选择都写在黑板上而The Twelve Cups 主打餐食是他家著名的千层糕噢。千层糕各色口味繁多,小编也下不了决定要选什么口味。还好工作人员贴心的向我们推荐了新口味的Blackcurrant Yogurt Mille Crepe还有最受欢迎之一的Hokkaido Chocolate Mille Crepe。

Blackcurrent Yogurt Mille Crepe (RM10.50)
Blackcurrent Yogurt Mille Crepe (RM10.50)
小编以为yogurt口味会带点酸酸的味道,可是没有呃,只有甜甜的味道,味道还不错!Blackcurrent+yogurt 的合拼,味道还是出乎意料的好吃~~小编很喜欢他家千层糕的色彩,不错不错!

受欢迎之一的口味Hokkaido Chocolate Mille Crepe (RM10.50)
Hokkaido Chocolate Mille Crepe (RM10.50)
小编最最最喜欢这个啦!!果然是他家的招牌千层糕,太好吃啦! 巧克力带点香香的hokkaido奶味,即吃了不会腻也不会太甜,味道恰到好处。小编最近啊有点抗拒太甜的食物,可能是去了泰国被那里的饮料吓倒了,那里的奶茶甜到让小编都受不了。这个mille crepe 甜度却刚刚好,赞啊!!可惜的是,The Twelve Cups 的千层糕比其他家Nadeje, Humble Beginning来的小,吃不过瘾啊~

吃完后,小编又到下一站猎食去了。回来时查一下面子书才知道The Twelve Cups 将会营业到七月尾,之后会关闭装修一个月,然后将会以全新的一面来迎接顾客的到来。听闻还会增加餐点的选择,敬请等待哦!如果你们想要尝试他家的千层糕,那赶快趁这两个星期去吃吃吧,不然要等一个月后哦。

The Twelve Cups

12, The WhiteAways Arcade, 
Beach Street, 10300 George Town, Penang
04-262 6812
10am-12am daily

Sunday, 12 July 2015

LaserOPS: Laser tag game @ 1st avenue

说起来真惭愧,要不是小编的同事提起这个游戏,小编还真的不知道什么是laser tag ler。。听同事们说,laser tag game 呢,有点貌似paintball 游戏,可是leh却没有paintball 来得危险。Paintball 玩起来的时候会受伤,流血,黑青的,有点怕怕。

Laser tag呢就有点不一样啦。都说是laser咯,就是用laser来射击的,所以就不怕痛啦也没什么危险,而且又是在内室玩的又不用晒太阳,非常适合怕晒怕热的女生们。小编好奇心强而且小编又热爱玩射击游戏,当然就要来尝试尝试玩玩咯。

这间LaserOPS是第一家在槟城1st avenue开张的laser tag游戏场所,可以容纳高达24名玩家。虽然战地没有paint ball来得大,可是游戏是在室内灯光昏暗和在紧张的背景音乐奏和下进行,更增添游戏的刺激性!

小编和同事们总共有10个人,恰好可以分成5对5来对打。在正式进入游戏场所时,所有相机,包包,手机都必须寄放在locker里头。然后进到里头, 解说员会播放关于游戏玩法和规矩的小段影片。如果还是有些不明白,可以向解说员来提问。令人啼笑皆非的是,其中一个规矩是不可以说粗话,未免太了解我们了吧,哇哈哈。。

小编玩的游戏是分成3个mission。第一个是个人赛,呵呵,游戏规矩很简单,看到谁就射谁,不必手下留情。因为这是个人赛嘛,所以谁都是你的敌人,你只管拼你老命来射射射还有躲躲躲就好了。第二和第三个mission呢是team work,就是说将会分成两个队,青队和红队对打。好笑的是,在第二个mission,小编和同事们分成女队vs男队而且男队只有3个人而已,谁赢谁输不用小编揭晓了吧。。哈哈哈,好坏哦。

Pew pew pew game is on!! 玩完第一个mission时,小编已经喘得上气不接下气了。哎累死了,还一直狂飙汗啊~~谁说这游戏不能够减肥*怒瞪* 小编老了,玩不起这年轻人的玩意儿。小编老骨头经不起啊啊啊 *垂头叹气* 虽说场所不是很大,可是那范围还是让小编敬而生畏啊,还有那个射击装套也不是开玩笑的说。。。到了第三个mission的时候游戏变得刺激了哦,这一个mission必须要有作战技术和策略因为游戏难度提升了。这个mission里的laser phasor gun里可以启动很多mode,有bonus, deactivated, recharge/energizer, super rapid fire, spy和bonus mode。至于详情呢,你们就听解说员的讲解吧,小编就不多说了。科科

LaserOPS系统也会发送玩家的分数到玩家的邮件箱(记得在register counter输入你的电邮)

小编认为这是个不错的游戏啦,即紧张又刺激,害的小编整场游戏都在心惊胆跳。小编建议给那些想要搞team building活动的公司,不妨可以考虑考虑这个,因为真的是可以增进团队的互动。小编下回儿还要再挑战一回!!XD要是小编公司team building在这里进行那就好啦,可以省下一笔钱叻! 

这是laserops当下的价格表,注*Peak time是包含了周末和公共假期哦*。如果有兴趣,建议拨电话去预约噢。

LaserOPS (从中间的扶手梯上来就会看到了)


地址:        First Avenue Mall 3-13

                   182 Jalan Magazine

                   10300 Georgetown

                   Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
联系:        04-2519092

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

槟城美食天堂: Sushi Mentai 寿司明太 @ Penang

哟哟,小编等待已久, 全马来西亚最便宜(小编自认的)的sushi店终于来到槟城啦!!好兴奋,好开心噢因为小编已经很久没有吃到这么便宜的寿司了。小编第一次吃的时候是在柔佛Skudai。那时候是小编南下到UTM闲诳时中学死党大力推荐的。小编回到KL时还对它念念不忘叻,没想到这间店终于在槟城开幕了hor。槟城寿司明太坐落在Elit Avenue, Pantai Hospital 对面,靠近Bayan Lepas工业区和Sunshine Square附近。 




小编最最喜欢的是他们家的mentai啦,店面都叫mentai咯,当然mentai最好吃啦!Tamago mentai, Salmon mentai, Hotake Mentai, Ebi Mentai 介是小编的最爱。除了一盘盘的寿司之外,还有其他日本料理可供大家选择但价钱就不一样咯。话不多说,来些照片来刺激大家的味觉(是不是饿了呗,小编好奸哦)。。*偷笑*

黄色碟子是RM1.80而红色碟子是RM2.80而已。有没有搞错,Unagi 才RM2.80?!! 没错哦,是RM2.80 only。。wahaha。。


小编和同事们总共吃了44盘(恐怖吧),一共花了RM110.20, 很便宜了,吃了那么多才RM100++而已,别家寿司哪有这样好康头啊。价格上已经加入了10%服务费外加GST的哦,真的是超满意的一餐啦!


Sushi Mentai 
1-1-33A, Jalan Mayang Pasir 3
Elit Avenue,
11950 Bayan Lepas
Pulau Pinang

Open daily : 11.30am-10pm

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Bangkok + Hua Hin First Jimui Trip - Asiatique The Riverfront Night Market

One of the famous night market in Bkk is Asiatique Riverfront Night Market. There is a riverfront in the name of the market means that the market is nearby the river la~ So you need to sit shuttle boat that takes around 10 minutes in order to reach the market. Asiatique market is different from any other night market la because it has bigger walking space and breezy, not that suffocated, hot and sweaty!

The view across the river upon reaching the night market during sunset

Oh Yay, here we are.. start our food hunting and shopping trip

Our dinner
Slurppp!! I miss the food so much! I forgot which restaurant that we entered, i only remember that the shop was full of people and we had to queue up for our table. Turns out the food is really good, no wonder so many people lah.. *licking my finger* But hor the tomyam very very spicy(see the redness of the soup). I always think myself as an expert in eating spicy food *oopss, not bragging myself la hah* but the spiciness of this tomyam really way out of it. I keep on sweating during the whole eating process but SYOKK!! 

Calypso Bangkok is a lady boy show~ If you are interested, you may buy ticket online from their website!

Ferris wheel - The signature of Asiatique Riverfront night market by Mekhong

This is a game whereby you control the vehicle to turn, move and rotate until you pening gila. Its quite fun seeing the guy playing around with it. 

That's all about it! Bye la Asiatique, i will visit you again next time. XD

Transportation Guide:
Take the BTS skytrain to Sapan Taksin station using Silom line and exit the station at Exit 2. Go forward and you will see a ticket selling counter but beware the ferry to Asiatique Riverfront is FREE of charge. So please do not queue at the counter as we tourist tends to get confused.
Asiatique own shuttle is found at the left end of the Sathorn Pier Complex. Beware that the shuttle ferry service hours is from 4pm to 11.30pm, don't miss the shuttle or else you have to overnight at there. Haha =p